Tony and I have been married for 8 years. We started dating in January 2000 and have been together ever since. We met before that. Since this blog is a memory book … let’s walk down that lane.
Like most tales, there are two sides. We don’t even agree on when we first met. Of course I am right and he just doesn’t remember. I was in high school when we met for the very first time. It was at his house (a pink house across from an elementary school that my mom first taught at…small world). There were a bunch of BSU (Baptist Student Union) people going to play games and hang out and I tagged along with Misty. She’s nice like that. Misty and Tony were friends first and she introduced us that night. He has zero recall. Clearly I made an impression.
Fast forward several months to August 1999. My freshman year in college. Again, Misty was nice and we’d meet at the BSU and then drive to lunch almost every day. Tony happened to be there one day and Misty asked if he’d like to go with us. He declined claiming to have already eaten. This is the part that gets dicey. I’m ready to tell it. Because we’ve been married for 8 years and I feel secure in that. Also because if you want a story told right, you have to tell it yourself. Perhaps I was bold because Misty was there. Perhaps I was innocent, but I encouraged Tony by saying “You look like the kind of guy who could eat again.” Right there in front of a lot of people that I didn’t know. Did you hear it? The silence and then the laughter from all his friends. This little girl just told a fat joke.
No matter, it worked. Tony came with us. In fact he gave me his backpack that day.
This time I made an impression.
I laughed too, but in Crystal's defense. She didn't know skinny girls weren't allowed to make fat jokes or even laugh at them. She was a newbie she caught on quick.