Friday, July 30, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Trike Trip
Look at Carsyn riding her first tricycle. Yup. 18 months old and she’s already got her first set of wheels. I’m loving those sweet chubby baby feet. Legs aren’t quite long enough to reach the peddles. But that’s not really a problem when you’re at Granny and PaPa T’s house. Plenty of extra hands to help push you around the back yard
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Sorry, I gotta take this.
Carsyn is slightly addicted to her crackberry, much like some other people I know.
Taking a very important phone call.
Checking her emails.
And finally checking her wallet to see who can pay for lunch.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Carsyn’s been out strollin’ with her baby. Isn’t that little wicker baby carriage so sweet? Carsyn is just now starting to play with baby dolls. She holds them, gives them kisses. She thinks it’s really important for them to be wrapped up in a blanket. The blanket is actually an old handkerchief, but it works for the baby.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
We had a little family outing last Saturday. Headed across the street to the Post Office. Needed to get passports for everyone before the State Department jacked the price up. Tuesday was the new price day. Tony was leaving Sunday for Chicago. So Saturday from 9:30-Noon was our only time. Tony and needed ours renewed and could have just mailed it in, but Carsyn. . .she is special. She is also getting a passport and Tony and I both needed to be present to swear that we told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth on her application.
We weren’t the only ones who needed a passport. This is the parking lot at 9:40.
We waited in line for 2 hours. With about 50 of our newest closest friends.
Monday, July 12, 2010
18 Month Check Up
Carsyn and I headed out to the doctors office for her 18 month doctors appointment. Carsyn is doing really well at climbing into a chair and then turning around to sit on her bottom. She rarely needs to be reminded.
She had some difficulty reaching the toy with her hands, so she improvised. Creative. Nice. Helps keep all those germs off her too!
Just like ever girl, Carsyn was looking for her cell phone.
Here is our doctors office. Carsyn found out she didn’t need to get a shot. She grabbed her phone and purse. She was ready to head out the door before they could change their mind.
26 1/2 pounds
32.5 inches tall
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
We decided to have a mini photo shoot with Carsyn while we were at the lake.
Daddy getting Carsyn out of the car at the park.
Momma trying to get her to look over the edge.
If I had PhotoShop, I’d edit myself out of this picture.
How sweet is she with her hands in her lap. Thinking about getting an agent and letting her model toddler clothes.
Her signature look. Pretty sure we’ll go national with this picture.
Got a load of those curls.
Great close up.
Hey, what’s down there. Can’t see me, but I’m cropped out. Just to the left.
Congratulator knucks from MawMaw for a job well done.
Consulting with one of her photographers…
Tony got some great shots of her too. I’ve mixed the ones that Carl took and the ones that Tony took.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
4th of July
We spent 4th of July weekend at the lake house with Tony’s parents. We drove up late Friday night. Totally worth it. We spent Saturday and Sunday night there too.
It doesn’t take Carsyn long to relax at the lake. Get into total chill mode. This might be a repeat, but it bears mentioning again. Carsyn loves those sunglasses.
Any noise or cell phone ring gets an alert. The OOOOh.
The lake community the lake house is in staged a 4th of July parade with the golf carts.
How amazing are those floats. The Uncle Sam hat is my favorite.
MawMaw got Carsyn a pool. She wasn’t too thrilled at first. I ran and got my bathing suit on to go sit with her.
It still took a while for her to warm up to it. She did. Then it was fun splashing momma.
Sunday night we hopped on the golf cart and headed down to the lake to see the fireworks.
Carsyn was a rock star. She wasn’t scared at all.
PawPaw held her for a large part of the night. Carsyn Ooohed and Aaawed at the fireworks. She clapped and had fun sitting with Daddy.
We love the lake house. What a great time!!