Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas 2012








Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Bedroom Makeover

Carsyn moved upstairs and was a little bit sad about being separated from the rest of the fam. So...we made her room special.

"This is SO cool!"

We did her bathroom too. cool.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Snowy Christmas 2012!

One little girl was thrilled it snowed. She was a fan of the taste.



Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Come on Ride that Train

We returned to the Polar Express again this year. It was another success.

We even brought our friends for the first time...Gage, Rylee, Aunt Misty and Ty Ty.

We watched a little Christmas show before we boarded the train.

We saw Santa on the train.

Despite the photographic evidence to the contrary, Gage enjoyed meeting Santa.

Ty was less excited, but is always so calm he just took it all in.


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Let's Go Fly a Kite

After Thanksgiving Aunt Misty surprised Carsyn and Gage with cool kites!

This is how we spent our Black Friday. I highly recommend it.


Carsyn was a rock star at flying her butterfly kite. Once we finally got it up in the air. We had a few technical difficulties to over come first.


Daddy even made it to town in time to help baby girl fly her kite.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012

Carsyn was a fairy. Ty was Casper...with jeans.

We headed to church for a little Trunk or Treat.


Where Carsyn and Daddy found some dogs to love on. Tony is a dog magnet. They all love him.


Carsyn had the best time on the inflatable. She was really intrigued by it, but also intimidated. Tony encouraged her to try at least once and she loves to please her Daddy. One time through the course and she was hooked. She did it at least 4 times.




Ty hung out and watched.

And tried to steal candy.

As it got later Tony looked at his watch, told Carsyn it was late and time to go home. In the truck Carsyn asked it she could come back next year. Then proceeded to ask if Tony could leave his watch at home. That time piece was cramping her style.



Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pumpkin Patch Fun

Carsyn loved, loved, loved the maze. She probably would have gone through it 10 times if I'd let her.
Gage enjoyed feeding the farm animals...
Carsyn did not.
Cowgirl up sister?

Ty Ty liked it too, but it was pretty bright for baby boy.

What's a day at the pumpkin patch without a little tag.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Some little guy is enjoying his jumperoo...


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Come on Ride that Train

Carsyn decided to make a train Saturday morning. She let all her stuffed animals take a ride!


Thursday, October 4, 2012

6 Months

Tyson Drake, you are a rock star and we love you very much.

At 6 months you wear size 3 diapers, 6-9 month clothes and sleep all night.

You are in the 75% for height, weight and head circumference.

Wt 18 lbs 10 oz

Length 27 1/8 in

Head 44 cm

You have 4 teeth. That's a lot for a little guy. Carsyn didn't have any at this age.

You've spent so much energy growing teeth you have not started to roll over or crawl yet. I believe you are so content you just have no desire to move. Besides you've got a lot of poundage to haul around.

You enjoy your jumperoo and getting tickled. You are loving sweet potatoes and apples. You tolerate avocado when mixed with sweet potatoes. You drink lots of milk when momma is at work so we supplement with about 8 oz of formula during the week.

You are a happy baby. You rarely cry. Just fuss when you need food, a change of scenery or get tired.


Daddy and Momma love you so much!



Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Would You Like Rice with that Milk?

Ty gets to eat rice cereal! Woo hoo. He is 5 1/2 weeks and very ready for more than milk.

checking it out...

oh yeah, this is going to work mom!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day of School

Carsyn started a two day a week preschool at our church today.

She was very excited! Momma was a little nervous. Dad was anxious and wondering when she got big.

She walked in with no problem. So proud!



Sunday, September 2, 2012


First game of the season. First game for Ty to watch. First game of many to come!

Sooner born. Sooner bred.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Better to Give


And give and give. I love getting those little postcards offering to haul my stuff for me. Tony even got,in on it this time. We gave 11 trash bags full of clothes away! Finally some breathing room in those closets.


Monday, August 27, 2012

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Cut It Out

You know where this is going...

it was bound to happen some time. I discovered this on my chair. She repeated our 'we only cut paper' and 'only Leticia cuts our hair' mantras for me, but she still didn't seem that remorseful. Fail.


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I Have a Problem

At least I think I do. See this little guy?
Look closely.
At his hand.

Here. I'll help you with a close up.

Um...that would be a thumb in his mouth.