One of the blessing of joining another family is you learn new skills. Oh sure, these skills might have existed in your own family, but you personally had never seen them in action. You also learn to make these things loved by the people you love. Thus…homemade noodles. These noodles are a staple of the Massey girls and Tony’s mom has been gracious enough to share her knowledge with me.
It’s getting colder and warm comfort food sounds good. Decided to make chicken noodle soup.

Carsyn decided to help. It’s so sweet and she takes it very seriously. Please note the knife, spoon and fork in the picture above. Those were her utensils of choice. I only used the fork.
She participated at every level of noodle making. She mixed her flour and eggs, rolled them out and then spread flour EVERYWHERE. Her chair, her jeans, her shoes (which should have been off in the first place), the floor in the kitchen, hallway, bathroom, little hand prints of flour on the ottoman. EVERYWHERE.