Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Baby Reveal

I had an ultrasound on Monday to make sure this baby is growing healthy and strong. The bonus is we also found out the sex of the baby. Since it was so close to Thanksgiving we decided to reveal the sex in person to our family.P1080341Wednesday night at my parents house we had a little cake and made everyone guess (well…everyone except Jeff. The idea that he could be wrong and it would be written down for all to see was just too much and he didn’t participate. PaPa T voted twice. He didn’t want to be wrong either.)

P1080343Gage just really wanted some cake!


And the exciting news is…







P1080352P1080347I’ll always be so thankful to have the experience of both. Tony is convinced his relationship with Carsyn will be stronger than ever and I can have the boy. But what I think he really means is that I can have surgery, the late night feedings, the sleepless nights for the next year and he’ll keep the potty trained, sleeps through the night 3 year old Daddy’s girl.


After telling my crew, we headed north to Tony’s parent’s house and did the baby reveal all over again. They were just as excited! (probably because we didn’t make them sign a paper with their guess)


  1. Such Joy, such Joy, such Joy! A Boy, A Boy, A Boy! We are so thrilled for you! We can hardly wait to meet him. We love you each so much. And now we already love this little bloy so much. God bless you and keep your family. Love, Granny and PapaT

  2. This was so much fun and exciting. Carsyn is going to be a great, big sister to this baby boy. We are so happy for you all. We love all 4 of you! MawMaw and PawPaw

  3. How exciting. Congratulations, I can't wait to meet him!

  4. Hooray for boys! Gager totally needed a buddy.

  5. YAY! how fun to have one of each!

  6. love you crys. so happy your family is growing.
