Monday, April 26, 2010

A Weekend of Firsts

1. Zoo – We’ve already covered this one. But it made the list.

2. Straw – We headed to McAlester’s after church. P1030588Didn’t have a sippy cup. They offered milk and a straw.  P1030587

How do you get Her to drink that?

P1030586    As you can well imagine, it didn’t happen.


3. Cat in the House – WHAT???


We don’t own a cat. Maybe the neighbor does. Either way, when we came home from lunch there was a cat in our house! We had a house guest Saturday night. He left Sunday morning and must have thought the cat was ours and let her in. Any way, it sure scared the bejeezus out of Tony.

4. Kicked out of Target


Well, sorta. I kicked ourselves out. This sweet little angel face was not about sitting in the cart. She cried and screamed. So I left my cart with my future purchases in it and we walked out.


And that is our weekend in review.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Our little family of three decided to take on the impossible. Reckless some call it. Daunting.  A seasoned father of 3 told Tony, “I hope it works out for you.” P1030546We decided to tackle the zoo. In the Spring. On a Saturday. With beautiful weather.

P1030551 Carsyn was a rock star! So sweet and very engaged.

P1030558We saw several babies.

P1030554Lots of couples.

P1030568Daddy held her so she could get a close up of this king.


He held her up to see the fish.

P1030576She was really interested in EVERYTHING.

Note where she is looking.


Carsyn spend the bulk her of afternoon looking her favorite exhibit. Humans.

Man that place was packed. It was decided that next time we come, it’ll be during the week. We hit the highlights. Lions, Tigers, Bears…sharks, birds (one was eating a rat!), penguins, gorillas, cheetas, giraffes. We’ll go back when she is older. It was a fun family day!

Friday, April 23, 2010

We Shall Over Come


When I told Carsyn what we were having for dinner, she decided to stage a sit-in. She even brought her own drink. She was prepared for the long haul.

PB&J wasn’t appealing to her.


Here she is looking for reinforcements.


I finally convinced her to end the protest by conceding to Cheese-It’s as a side.

I’ll be teaching a course on the art of compromise next week.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Is that a Spork?

P1030520 Just wanted to share a few pics of Carsyn learning to use utensils.



Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Egg Post

I've added a picture on the egg post. Go see it!

Mail Call

I’m a big supporter of the US Postal Service. They pay my mortgage. I like that about them.

I also like people that buy stamps and send things to my house through the US Mail. And when those things are clothes for my baby girl, you make my Favorite People of the Day list.



Thanks MawMaw and PawPaw for this super cute outfit. Carsyn will look so cute so cute in it this summer!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Holy Hawk

I don’t really know if this is a hawk. I had biology in college, but my teacher was a botanist. So if you want to talk about algae, I’m your girl. Animals, not so much.


After a long morning of garage sales, Carsyn and I found this ginormous bird by our house on Saturday. Now for all you country people, this is no big deal. But I live in Dallas-Ft. Worth. Like 15 minutes from downtown Ft. Worth. This was blog worthy.



Sunday, April 18, 2010

How do you like your eggs?



Yup. Carsyn is making eggs tonight. Any special orders?

So wish I had a picture of Tony as a baby. He played with a tub (correction. sticks) of butter on the kitchen floor. Add some bread and we’d have a good breakfast cooking.

I'm loving this picture so much, I can hardly type. Priceless!!! Thank you Charity and Donna for finding this and sending it! How cute with one sock and one sock off.

And check out Charity's super stylin' sandals. Pretty sure I saw those exact same ones online today in the 'Summer Must Haves' list.


P1030532 I’m so excited and proud. Carsyn brought home her first piece of art work for us to hang on the refrigerator. She worked on it in Sunday School. ‘Jesus tells about a good Samaritan.’



Look closely. She has a very light stroke. She colored with orange.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Country Club

Carsyn and I joined Tony on the golf course Friday night. It was demo day and they were serving supper. Tony dressed Carsyn in her best golf attire and showed her off. There was live band that Carsyn was a little wary of at first. She warmed up. By the end of the night she was clapping and dancing.

Sunday, April 11, 2010



Carsyn has been showing some interest in drinking from a cup. A cup without a lid. A cup that spills. A cups that takes her one more step closer to being a girl. Not a baby. I’m not really having issues with her growing up. I’m just shocked when it happens. Seriously we just switched to a sippy cup 4 months ago.


She did really well. She did have to change clothes before her nap, but no water got on the floor.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

MawMaw and PawPaw


Tony’s parents came to visit last weekend. They kept Carsyn for us on Friday. She had the best day with them. They brought her an Easter bucket full of eggs. The cutest little Mini Mouse and a Thomas the Train book and toy. They went for walks and played and played.

Thanks for coming!



I’m so sorry that the pictures are horrible. I discovered later that the camera settings were changed. I think this picture is funny. Is Carsyn moving really fast or are MawMaw and PawPaw moving really slow??

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Yeah, that's not our house.

Carsyn and I went for a walk this afternoon. This house is for sell. She's looking into it. Checking it out. Not sure if she's looking for us to all move or if she needs her own place.

I love my momma!


I love you too baby girl!



Monday, April 5, 2010

In the Bag

P1030410 - Copy

Literally. She’s in the bag. Crawled in by herself, Tony just picked her up.

She really thought it was funny. Hard to let by this picture, but she was laughing lots.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit,

1 Peter 3:18



Happy Easter!

Praise God the tomb is empty and our Savior LIVES!


Here is Carsyn doing a little work before church.

I’m not sure, but I think she’s consulting with the Easter Bunny about those eggs.


Friday, April 2, 2010


Carsyn went for a Good Friday walk with Mommy and MawMaw.

She seems so little compared to the house and all the area around her, yet so big that's taking a walk down to the pond. Bittersweet.