Thursday, September 23, 2010


Carsyn just after her bath. Didn't get the hair brushed. Just happy that she was happy.

Hi Melmo. If I remember right, I push your foot and you talk.
OK, now you're creeping me out. How'd you get so close?

I'm just going to have to grab you by your chin and...

take you down. Take Down for 2!

Rumor is that when we were in DC Carsyn was a little out of sorts at daycare and pushed a little boy down and then got on top of him. Frankly, to me it looks like Melmo got off easy.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

OU Cute

Carsyn got a new OU special delivery from Oklahoma. "I'm too cute to be a texas fan" How great is that!!!
Loving me some black capris with white piping. Adorable. Get a load of those sweet toes too.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Tony holding his baby girl and Baby Gage. hmmm...not that long ago when it was Carsyn that little.

Sweet baby boy. Love that smile!!

Seriously Mom. NO MORE.

Carsyn was such a sweet little girl while Gage was here. She was very concerned about the baby. "bay-be" She need to know where he was and if he was ok. She checked the monitor while he was sleeping. He was waking up from his nap one time and crying out. She rushed to his room and Granny wasn't following fast enough. She ran back to get Granny. Said 'bay-be. bay-be". Um, hello. There is a baby and he is crying. Not going to happen on my watch not get in there lady.
If he needed his diaper changed, she wanted to get the diaper and Desitin. Such a good little helper. Made my heart smile.

Not goin' lie. No one is having fun in this picture. Carsyn was really ok with my holding Gage. She just need to be up in the chair with me.

Monday, September 20, 2010


MamMaw and PapPaw came over to see baby Gage and I suppose Misty and Granny. We had a great Saturday. First pedicures, then home for lunch. I made a brisket, mashed potatos, corn, salad, rolls. Misty made chocolate chip cookies for dessert. It was yummy! It's my standard, 'yay you had a baby and now you need to eat' meal. Super easy, tastes great and enough for leftovers.

Here is PapPaw with two of his great-grandbabies. How sweet that they all match. Go OU! (we're working with Carsyn to say OU. brainwashing. whatever)

Here most of the crew. PapPaw, me, Misty, Gage, Granny and Carsyn. MamMaw is taking our picture.

Tony was on call, mowing the lawn, and suffering through the Sooners narrow victor, but still found time to hang with Gagers.

Aunt Crystal loving on some sweet baby boy.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

New Baby

There was a new baby at our house this weekend. Gager!!! (sorry about the poor picture quality. something about natural light and being very still)
Gage came down to see CarCar and brought his momma and Granny with him. His daddy is off in the wilderness hunting elk.
Thanks for coming to visit. You are such a sweet boy. Always so happy and smiling. I'm so glad you brought your friends to play with. This little gym can keep that boy entertained for a long time.

Misty and I got to leave early Saturday morning to get pedicures while Granny kept both babes. Thanks Granny!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Carsyn brought this home from Ms. Brandy's house yesterday. It's a first. It hung on the refridgerator until the artist ripped it down. Her art, her prerogative. Daddy taped it up. He thought it was special and deserved to be treated well. sweet.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Goodness, Pure Goodness

Do you see it? The Goodness? Braum's. Now Braum's in an Oklahoma company. The cows live there. Texas has to import this goodness.

Raisin' her right. No wonder she likes her daddy better than her momma. I strategically left mine in the freezer until after she went to bed. I'm not sharing.

Oh man that stuff is good!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Time Out

This is the time out chair at our house. I bought it at Canton last spring thinking it was so sweet and Carsyn needed something besides the DVD player to sit on.
She doesn't really use it. So it has become the first of many "I'm almost 2 and independent" victims. When the temper tantrums start, Carsyn and this chair get put in the corner.
Once she has pulled herself together and stopped crying, she is allowed to get up. The playing begins again. And this chair is slyly relocated to another place in the living room.
Funny girl. She'll pick it up with all her might and move it.
That's ok with me. It's light weight. I can always move it back when needed. I doesn't need to sit in the corner as a reminder. We have forgiveness and grace in our house.
Good news. No one was put in time out this weekend! Hooray for my team.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Play Date

Carsyn and I had a play date Friday night with friends from church. Carsyn is so sad that there are only boys to play with...not really. She is upset about the dog. Not sure why. She likes our dogs and the dogs at Ms. Brandy's house. Michelle is comforting her.
Michelle's little boy Jack also wanted to come check on Carsyn. Sweet boy.

We had a great time. Thanks for hosting Catherine!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

For the Love of Walmart

Do you see that sticker? Carsyn got it at Walmart. She loved that thing. It lasted over 48 hours. When it finally fell off Carsyn actually mourned its passing. Not a full on cry-fest, but little groans from the depth of her soul.
Thankfully childhood wounds heal fast and we moved on to a Hallmark gold sticker.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day

Carsyn and I had a mission on Labor Day - get that baby girl some shoes. So we got all fancy and hit Target. Found some super cute shoes (I'll show you those later), all size 7! What?!? 7. Seriously hurts my tummy a little bit.

Since we were looking so sassy, we offered our selves up as dates. Tony was finishing a round of golf, so we went outside to wait on him. We were hungry and didn't dare wait inside and waste valuable seconds getting out the door.

Lots of times I'll squat down to take a picture of Carsyn. Try to get on her level and avoid top of the head shots. Can you see my shadow? Carsyn wanted to squat down beside me. So sweet. Of course it also completely eliminates the whole 'on her level' purpose of the poise in the first place. Results : shot of Carsyn's bow head.

Bonus for being Daddy's date? Oreo cookies!! Hooray for that yumminess.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I like to color

Hmmm (I put the Hmmm in her thoughts because she actually says that. Ask her where her baby is, you'll get a hmmm...with hands raised up as she walks around the room looking for it. wondering who else at our house does that? Hmmm.) Hmmm... what's this?

Oh no, where'd it go?

I'm so overwhelmed, I don't know where to begin.

Ha Ha, I'm just kidding. I know what I'm doing.

I can do it over here too.

I like to color.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

How Do You Stack Up?

I was trying to capture Carsyn stacking all the cups up. The picture is a little blurry because she's wicked fast. If there was a contest, she'd win for sure.

Notice the concentration. This cup stacking is serious business.

This is how Carsyn got ready for the OU game. Needed to sort out all the red cups. Sorting and stacking. I like it!