MamMaw and PapPaw came over to see baby Gage and I suppose Misty and Granny. We had a great Saturday. First pedicures, then home for lunch. I made a brisket, mashed potatos, corn, salad, rolls. Misty made chocolate chip cookies for dessert. It was yummy! It's my standard, 'yay you had a baby and now you need to eat' meal. Super easy, tastes great and enough for leftovers.

Here is PapPaw with two of his great-grandbabies. How sweet that they all match. Go OU! (we're working with Carsyn to say OU. brainwashing. whatever)
Here most of the crew. PapPaw, me, Misty, Gage, Granny and Carsyn. MamMaw is taking our picture.

Tony was on call, mowing the lawn, and suffering through the Sooners narrow victor, but still found time to hang with Gagers.
Aunt Crystal loving on some sweet baby boy.