Baby boy is finally here! We are so thrilled to announce the birth of Tyson Drake, a healthy little guy.
8 lbs, 2 oz and 20 inches long.

Born April 4, 2012. Tyson shares a birthday with his name sake, my grandfather, Ty Hargrove.
I had a scheduled c-section and everything went smoothly. I remember the doctor pulling Ty out and saying he was a big boy. Carsyn was 6 lbs, 14 oz, so big to me was anything over 7 lbs. They held him over the sheet so I could get a look and I saw those big cheeks. He weighed in at over 8 lbs. He IS a big boy. It feels good to be justified in my discomfort. People would ask how I was feeling and I would say heavy.
On the way to the hospital as our family of almost 4.
Back in the room as our complete family.
Tony is enamored with his babies!