Holy Cow. This was amazing! Misty and Jeff got a 4D sonogram of baby Gage and Carsyn and I had the privilege to attend.
So did Granny, Papa T, Grandma, Jeff’s mom and dad, and future Aunt Katie.
Sorry for the grainy pics. I took these in the dark and didn’t want to use the flash.
Here is a better shot after the real work was over. We were just watching reruns then.
Here he is world. Gage Jung! He’s smiling at me.
Carsyn needed to help. She loves her Aunt Misty and needed to be up on the table with her. Vary awed by what was happening.
Here is Carsyn enjoying looking at pictures of Gage.
Thanks for letting us share the experience!
Great Aunt Teresa here. This is way too cool! Hello there Gage! Can't wait to hold you! Love you already ;)