Tony took me out to a really nice steakhouse, Charlie Palmer, in The District on Saturday night. We took the metro in and walked passed the Capitol and even watched a little of a kickball game. That the great thing about the Mall that spans the Capitol to the Washington Monument, plenty of grass for kickball.
What’s this picture? you ask. It’s two valet guys, one cabbie and one bartender trying to get Tony’s wedding ring out of the sewer.
Yup. That shinny round thing is his wedding ring. The symbol of our union. The representation of our love.
OK. That’s a little dramatic, but you get the idea. Tony was fiddling with it, dropped it, it bounced and then rolled into the underground tunnel. – come to find out later it was a high voltage something.
High voltage – which brings me to our next action shot. Metal sticks. Good idea if you’re trying to fish out a ring in a dark whole. Bad idea if there is high voltage surrounding the ring. Fortunately no valets or restaurant managers were injured in the making of this debacle.
How did I feel about the whole thing? Shocked. A little irritated. Both of those combined with no less than 7 people trying to get this ring out and a dozen nosey pedestrians = hysterical laughing. What else can you do? It was funny at this point.
But who has time to sit in front of the restaurant and laugh when you have a play to see.
Tony and I left the ring and took a cab to the Kennedy Center. We saw the play Sheer Madness. It’s a comedy Whodunit and the audience helps solve the crime. Recommended.

(ps. I did not take the picture. I stole it off google images.)
I did take this picture. So pretty. Sunset on the Potomac.
Tony and I had the best weekend. 
A little mini vacation. Time alone. We didn’t have to pay a babysitter. We got to sleep in the next morning. Perfection.
Thanks for planning a wonderful evening Tony!!!

PS…the city workers came out Monday and recovered the ring. After the power was turned off.