Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Day!

Easter Day was hectic. Not calm. The devil was working hard. I needed to make mashed potatoes and deviled eggs for lunch at friends house after church. We were going to the 9:30 service and that would give us plenty of time to get things ready after church and before lunch. Tony was on call, but that usually never interferes with church. I got the potatoes going, eggs boiling, Carsyn in the bath, me in the shower, everything was clicking right along. Then Tony got a call. He needed to leave and head towards Huntsville because of a robbery. Seriously. OK. Easter alone. That’s fine. While I was finishing up, Tony was getting Carsyn all ready. Then…she spilled milk all over her Easter dress. Ugh! Looks like the 11:00 service was calling our name. I threw the dress in the washer and got started on the potatoes. They were paste. Apparently if you leave the potatoes in water and let them cool, the starch does something and they become paste when you start to mash them. Scratch the potatoes, I’ll go by the store and buy potato salad. Next the eggs. I hate peeling the shell off. Such a pain. Got Carsyn’s dress out of the dryer. Had all her clothes on and realized that a seem had ripped. In her brand.new.dress. OK, you get the idea. Is was a bad morning. It was like Friday. But don’t fear, Sunday’s coming.

They played this video at church. I wanted to stand up and shout. Amen! Sunday is coming!


(for those of you that go to my church, I don’t think this is the actual video they showed, but it’s not about the video. It’s the words. God’s WORD)


Praise God that Sunday is here. That we live because Sunday is here.

Church was wonderful. A great time of praise and worship.


There was Easter egg hunting too.

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Carsyn made out like a bandit! Thanks for having us Mike and Catherine!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter at the Club

So people laugh at us because we’re members of a country club. But it’s truthfully the most economical way for our family, consider how much golf Tony plays. This past month we joined a new club. First of all, it has two course and that offers variety for Tony. Secondly, they actually hold events for families.

There was an Easter Bunny. Carsyn told me that she was going to hug and kiss the bunny. That was before she way him. The second Daddy walked away, she was done with that giant of a bunny.




There was an egg hunt. See all the people? A little overwhelming for Tony and me; I can only imagine how Carsyn felt.


Daddy and Carsyn patiently waiting for the go signal.



Carsyn was super sweet and didn’t steal anyone’s egg. She was actually very calm the whole time. We think she had fun. But it’s not like she squealed and giggled. This was her first real hunt. It’s a lot to take in.


Daddy showing her the loot.



The Eater Bunny, and egg hunt and a petting zoo. Good times for a 2 year old.



Carsyn really likes animals. She isn’t afraid and wants to talk with them. She said “I love you baby goat”.


Getting right in there and brushing the goat.


Big stretch for the bunny. She liked this one much better than the oversized bunny.


We had a wonderful family day on Saturday. Proof that the club isn’t just for golf.

A Case of Make-Up Gone Bad


Pretty classic story. Mom left her make-up out. Baby girl found it. Was very quite while mom was in another room.

The end results above.


Good news…it all came off very easily with eye make-up remover! Another product she’s always wanted to use.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Carsyn loves to play outside. Age also loves that dumb dog. She's playing at Brandy's house. Every morning she need to find Tucker and give him sugars. Gross!
What a sweet smile on my baby. I'm sure she is running all the other little kids over with her car. Also pretty sure she thinks she owns it.
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Friday, April 15, 2011


Carsyn is such a great helper. She even recycles!
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Friday, April 8, 2011

Play Date

I’ve decided to make some changes. I need to get out of the house more. I go to work, come home, go to bed. Repeat. On the weekend I go to church. That’s about as exciting as my life gets. That’s not really ok. I rarely shop. For clothes or groceries. I’m not good at being out with Carsyn. So I avoid it. But that needs to change. Two summers ago, Carsyn was 6 months old. High maintenance on the outing scale. I was still nursing. Last year she was 18 months. Again high maintenance. She couldn’t talk, but wanted to be out toddling around and didn’t understand why she couldn’t. Now she’s 2. Really, there is no excuse.


All of that leads me to…I invited Cason out on a play date.

We headed to a great park in Colleyville. There was swinging.








Bug watching.



Big kid watching.


How cute are they! Cason is only 10 weeks younger than Carsyn. They’re pretty sweet together. The play date was a success. I got to get out of the house, talk to Cason’s momma and everyone was happy. Carsyn even had a tumble down the slide steps. She fell about 4 feet. Seriously hurt her feelings, but she was ok. I’m ok now too. Carsyn also scrapped her bottom when she tripped (that happens when you wear shorty shorts) and she pulled her pants down to her ankles. She insisted on taking them off. Yup. We’re making memories at the park.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Amazing Night

My 30th Birthday was Wednesday. Tony was out of town. Kind of a bummer. But we had a fun night planned on Friday to help make up for it.


The plan was for my parents and Misty and Jeff to eat dinner at Trophy Club and then the ‘kids’ to head down to Fort Worth to hear Gary Allen at Billy Bob’s.

Great plan and I was very excited about it.

But wait…the night was full of surprises. We had a special room at the country club with a beautiful table.P1060765


And SPRINKLES cupcakes. How amazing do those look? ‘Happy Birthday Crystal’ So good!! Tony was so sweet to drive all the way to North Dallas to get them special for me. Red velvet was my choice and it did not disappoint.


The happy couple.


Misty and Jeff.    P1060770


My parents, Mike and Catherine and Josh and Michelle were all there too. (Surprise again! My friends came!)

I guess I was so surprised that I didn’t get one good picture of anyone else.

Another surprise…a limo!!! Sweet riding to the concert.

P1060776 P1060807P1060777 This is how we roll. In style.


Us at Billy Bob’s in downtown Fort Worth.


Gary Allen. He’s so cool. We had so much fun at the concert. Gary was a great entertainer and the people with backstage passes were really funny to watch. Remember if you ever spring for a backstage pass…people in the front row can see you!


Me and Billy Bob’s celebrating 30 great years together.


Tony was so sweet. He wanted me to look and feel my best on my special night. I got new clothes – Miss Me capri jeans and a super cute top. Didn’t he do an awesome job! Then it was suggested that I take some time off and enjoy a me day with a mani/pedi followed by a spray tan. I’m a huge fan of the spray tan. Looks good and no skin cancer. Double plus in my book.


Tony, thank you so much for a wonderful night. I had a blast and felt very loved and special!