Saturday, March 10, 2012

Rylee Lynn

Hooray she’s here!! My sister had her baby this week!

6lbs 15 oz


Sweet baby girl Rylee Lynn arrived in a whirlwind rush very early on Thursday morning. Watch out Momma and Daddy, when this girl sets her mind on something, nothing is going to stop her. Rylee educated us all on a precipitous birth. Misty labored for about 3 hours and Rylee was here. Misty was only at the hospital for 40 minutes before Rylee forced her way onto center stage.

 IMG_0377 Here is Carsyn meeting Rylee for the first time. She was so very excited to see and hold her. She told Tony that she was going to teach her how to dance, jump and twirl. Carsyn was concerned about holding Rylee’s head. She did an EXCELLENT job and is now ready for baby brother to make his appearance.


  1. Carsyn was so sweet when she said, "Look at her tiny nose." This is an awesome picture. Beautiful girls! I love y'all so much.

  2. Look at all those pretty girls. I love the smiles and love for each other that shows. Definitely a picture moment.
