Sunday, July 12, 2009

6 mo check up

So we're a week or so behind on our shot schedule. The first of the month is real busy for me at work and between holidays and other stuff, it just got off.

Here are the stats:
weight 17.4 lbs
height 27 in
head circ 42 in
Now for the best part:
weight 75%
height 90%
head circ 90%
So basically we have a big baby. Who would have guess? I assume it's a combination of the week off and a growth spurt of some kind. She will not be able to play linebacker in college, of that I'm sure.

So you may be looking at her doctoring and thinking, "Man, he's old." Well, it's true. He is old, but I like him. He's so calm and comfortable. He told Tony and me that parenting is hard and exhausting. He suggests having your second child first, it's a lot easier *wink-wink. He said Carsyn looks great and keep up the good work. I love a doctor that will give you encouragement.
Carsyn is ready for solids. Dr. Bzostek said to have fun with it. It's about her trying new things and learning to eat with a spoon. Her nourishment comes from ME.
Another big thing...she'll start using a sippy cup. What a BIG girl. I thought those things were for toddlers. Nope, not true. They are for Carsyn now. (post to follow)


  1. I suggest that you double check your typing on the number of inches of Carsyn's head. I doubt her head is 42 "inches." Oops. Thanks for posting. You know we love seeing the pics.

  2. Where did Baby Carsyn go? Sounds like she is Big Girl Carsyn now with sitting up by herself, eating solids and drinking from a sippy cup. I agree with the Dr. "keep up the good work".
