Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Come Closer


  1. Ohhhhhhhhh--sweet sugars! Carsyn, you do have sweet sweet sugars. Have fun. MawMaw and PawPaw love you very very much!

  2. Just goes to prove that the greatest toy in the world is mommy. I got tickled seeing the string of toys Carsyn left behind as she came closer. That little cloth book looked cute Love ya.

  3. so that's totally random you go to church w/ courtney! she is my first cousin. her dad is my mom's brother. anyway, thank you so much for the prayers-- keep them coming.
    you have a beautiful little girl.

  4. Grandma is so enjoying the blog. I plan to teach her how to make comments. Carsyn, you are still the cutiest baby ever! Love you!
