My sister and her hubby came to town this weekend. It was a two fold purpose. 1. to get that baby crib that’s been sitting in my living room for a month. I know Rosa will appreciate it’s being gone. 2. To celebrate her birthday.
I just knew we had to go eat at the Reata. Jeff, her husband, is a meat snob. He likes to kill his own stuff and is rather persnickety about other people’s stuff. The buffalo steak did not disappoint. Score one for the in-laws.

Here is my sister. She’s now 30. She’s more than half way through her first pregnancy. Doesn’t she look great. I on the other hand, look like I actually have a child that is running around this world and keeping me from sleeping. I’ve come now to believe that I was also suffering some effects of a stomach virus.

After the enormous meal at the Reata we walked about 10 feet to Four Day Weekend. LOVED it. Really fun. I recommend it. Think Drew Cary and Who’s Line Is It Anyway? (Disclosure: this is not a paid endorsement of Four Day Weekend. I am not receiving any compensation for this post)

The happy couple who will soon know no sleep like the next couple.