View from hallway.
Here is the crib that her Daddy bought her. Little bonus from a Vegas trip!
View from hallway.
Last time I made you wait 30 seconds for nothing. This time, it's real quick! Don't blink. I stopped the video in the middle because I was afraid she was just going to sit there, lay there rather. Now you have to watch two.
Carsyn is having so great tummy time on this Saturday morning. We're just hanging out in our PJ's. Daddy doesn't feel well so we're playing in the living room while Mommy catches us on episodes of Ugly Betty.
We went to a fancy Mexian restuarant with two other couples from church last night. Fancy, AKA I had a Ceasar salad instead of tacos. It was funny. 6 adults, 2 babies at each end of the table, crowded space. We're all learning together about living life with babies.
I'd really like to get her nursery finished this weekend and post pictures for everyone to enjoy!
Carsyn showed off her stuff last night. I'm pretty sure she's rolled over before but I never could prove it. Now I have witnesses and she rolled over from her tummy to her back several times.
Now watch the video. Wait for it. Wait for it. Now you know my secret. Just like every other parents worst fear, I couldn't get my baby to perform on video!