We have some fantastic friends. Tony and I have only been in Texas for 2 1/2 years and have only know most of our friends for less than 2, but you'd think we've know each other all our lives. These are people that have prayed for us, encouraged us with words, snacks, Sonic drinks, car removal, long hospital visits, getaway trips, emails, and phone calls. Thank you!
Tony's stay in the hospital has been a trial for us. And we are looking forward to the day that it will end, but I'm choosing not to miss God's lessons and blessing as we go through the valley. I'm trusting as I go through this Chapter 40 in my life, that God is strenthening my character, teaching me to be a better wife and showing me that a chapter 41 is on the other side.
Here is the email I sent out to our Sunday School class this afternoon:
The doctor came in this morning to look at Tony's knee. He's not pleased with how little he can bend it. He is concerned because it's more swollen today than yesterday. We'll be here for at least another night. Tony can't eat anything after midnight. The doc will come in first thing in the morning and decide if we go for round 2. Pray for the swelling to go down and for Tony to be able to bend his knee well.Pray for his overall health. He is tired and nausea. Pray for our spirits. We're frustrated, sleep deprived and missing our baby.
Chance and I are praying!!!
I love that you are blogging!