Saturday, June 6, 2009

River Dance

Carsyn loves her jumperoo, so in turn her Daddy and I also love it. Notice her skills and swift motion of her feet. Look familar? Yes, it's River Dance. She's never seen River Dance, so I can only conclude it is instinctual. (sorry the video is sideways. I can't figure out how to turn it)

She spent over an hour in it last night happy as could be. I think she was showing off for her new buddy Cason. Cason is 11 weeks younger than Carsyn. Some girls from church went out to eat Boston's Pizza last night so a few of the guys gathered at our house to set up Daddy Daycare. The mommies were away for over 3 hours. We came home to happy babies and daddies. It was success and I'm ready to do it again next weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Love the River Dance. That is too much fun to watch.
