Tuesday, June 9, 2009

To Sleep or Not to Sleep

Notice how nicely Carsyn fits in her swing? I know, looks a little small, but I can strap her in and it'll be OK. I'm starting to feel a little pressure to get her out of our room and into her crib. No one has actually said that I need to do that or that I'm a lousy mom because it hasn't happened yet. It's self-imposed pressure based on what EVERY other mom in American has done. What can I say, I need sleep and in our room in her swing is where she'll sleep. I'm not actually looking for opinions or suggestions. Just encouragement that I have a happy, healthy baby and that she'll not be sleeping in our room until she goes to college. Actually my doctor has already reassured me that she won't sleep in our room until college. So I guess, once again, I'm just sharing.


  1. I got the impression, too, that once you talked about her sleeping in her own room that Carsyn began to avoid eye contact and ignore you. Isn't that precious.

  2. I wouldn't worry about it. Do whatever works for you and lets you both get sleep. Maybe practice all her naps in there on the weekends and slowly work your way into a night there. if it doesn't work, go back to your room and try again later. you could re-adjust the video monitor and try putting her swing in her room one night so she doesn't have to change where she sleeps AND how she sleeps.

  3. I enjoy watching this clip over and over. Carsyn is performing a most unusual act - River Dance in a Bag!

  4. oh yeah, I let Cason fall asleep in my arms every night before i put him down even though every source i have read says to put them down while they are still sort of awake. Hopefully he won't need to fall asleep in my arms when he goes off to college. I guess when people say "do what works for you" they really mean it, it's the only way i am learning to be okay with this whole confusing parenting thing.
