Wednesday, March 31, 2010


 P1030443 Carsyn offered to help me unpack after being in Oklahoma all weekend.

P1030445 Didn’t realize she was just teasing.



Be Counted

This Public Service Announcement brought to you by Crystal Reed.

P1030412 - Copy

Have you gotten your Census form in the mail? We did several weeks ago. The commercials aren’t lying, it took less than 10 minutes to fill out. I mailed it the next day.

Don’t forget!


Proud Supporter of the US Postal Service! Use the mail.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Carsyn and I spend last weekend in Lawton for the beginning of March Madness.



Here is Carsyn and Toby. Hanging out on Sunday morning in their PJ’s. Just having a little chat. Toby is 2 months older than Carsyn. He is my cousin Katie’s little boy. They played great together!




P1030430 Welcome Stormie! This is Toby’s new little sister. She is precious and hardy made a peep all weekend. She cheered on her Jayhawks. She pooped out kind of like they did.


Carsyn sitting at Granny’s house. Sitting in a rocker by the fire place. She had her book and crossed her legs. So sweet. She worked really hard to get like that too. Carsyn spent all weekend doing the same thing. She’s put her book in the chair then climb in. While getting herself into the chair she’d have to knock the toy out of the seat. She’d wiggle herself into position and realize that her toy/book was now on the floor. Ah, nuts! Then she’d lean over and try to grab her book without getting out of the chair.

And why do I know all of this? I watched her do it over and over again all weekend.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


March Madness is a family tradition for almost a decade. P1030438My mom’s younger sister is married to Chuck Endicott. He started the tourney. Thus the Endicott March Madness title Almost 25 of us from my great grandma my younger cousin. We complete the brackets on and it keeps score. As many that can make it gather at my grandma’s house and watch all the games. And eat.

I was winning through the first few rounds. I’m in third now. I’ve won before. So has my mom and my grandma. One year my mom and my dad both won.

I also won the bracket pool in my building last year. I was also leading this years pool, but now I’m tied for 2nd.


I’ll share a few secrets with you for next year. 1. Always pick a 12-5 upset. 2. Don’t take all #1 rankings to the final four. 3. The rankings are just suggestions. Go with your gut. 4. Pick the team that sounds good. Like Brigham Young. Old Dominion. Gonzaga. 5. Don’t watch any games all year until your bracket is complete.

Sunday, March 21, 2010



Carsyn tried honey nut cheerios. We’ve been so distracted by those silly puffs that we’ve totally skipped the childhood right of passage of cheerios. We remedied that. She liked them. It was actually sweet. I had some too and we shared them. Out of the same bowl. She took some off her tray and then add them to my bowl. (we both ate them dry). Then she’d take them back.

Sharing. It’s a process.

Young Blue Eyes


Carsyn has such pretty blue eyes.

She gets them from her daddy.

I like that.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hair Raising!


I thought I’d try something new. The other two little girls at Carsyn’s daycare wear their hair up on top of their heads like this. It’s cute right? It took way more work than me just slipping a bow in. I’ll probably stick to her own unique style.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

America’s Drive-In

Carsyn had a milestone moment in her life today. We had a little mommy and daughter date at Sonic tonight. Daddy is out of town and mommy needed a drink. P1030413


Carsyn had a grilled cheese sandwich and a banana. She got a toy and mommy got a large Diet Dr. Pepper (don’t worry Diet Nazi, I didn’t sneak any fried onion rings). All for 4 bucks.


Let’s here it for Sonic for offering apples or bananas with milk or drink of choice.

Carsyn only ate about 1/4 of her sandwich, but she chowed down on the banana. She loves those things.



Do you see them? Her teeth? She has 4 on the bottom. 4 on top. and 3 molars.


When did that happen?

She has one of the top of each side and then one on the bottom of her left side.

Grow Baby Grow.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Sunday Afternoon


P1030405 What do you do on your Sunday afternoon? We watch golf at our house. It’s been that way for a long time. Tony is now getting Carsyn into it.

P1030407 I know what you’re thinking. You’re right. It didn’t last long. Maybe 10 minutes. Maybe.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Swanky W

This post is a little delayed. Last weekend when my parents were here watching Carsyn, Tony and I were in downtown Dallas for a wedding. We stayed at the W. W must stand for Wow. Wonderful. What does that cost? Weekend Wedding getaway.

Tony made reservations for the basic room. When we checked in Saturday afternoon and they guy at the front desk said he upgraded us to the marvelous suite. I’ve stayed at the Embassy Suites before, so I’m thinking something along those lines. Um, no.



Here is the view through the door. The living area is straight ahead. The bedroom is to the right. I didn’t get a picture but the half bath is to the left.


Here is my sectional. Huge.

P1030355 My dining table. For us and 4 of our favorite friends. 


The lovely bed. I know. Every hotel room has this. No big deal. There was also a chaise lounge by the window.



Here is the modern bathroom. It had a closet, rain shower and private “WC”. You can also see the other door to the hallway.


Best of all. We got it for the government rate for a basic room!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Weekend Visitors

My mom was here helping with Carsyn already. Misty and my dad came down on Friday night. PaPa T came to see Carsyn and Misty came to shop for fabric. Misty is getting ready for baby bedding making! It’s always so much fun when Misty and I get to hang out. That’s one of the things I miss the most about Oklahoma. It’s hard work finding the right fabric to match her idea and then for it all to match each other. 5 stores on Saturday and I think we’ve got it. I’ll post some pictures when the baby bedding is all done.


P1030347 PaPa T getting her ear.



Aunt Misty cracking up at that baby girl. She’s so much fun to hang out with. Can you see that baby bump on Misty? Baby Jung will be here in June!

 P1030338 Worked so hard entertaining that she needed a little rest.



I love my baby girl!

Monday, March 8, 2010

And the Crowd Goes Wild

Carsyn had a lots of fun playing with MamMaw and PapPaw!

Friday, March 5, 2010

What a Grand Visit

Or is it Great!?!?

A quick summary of our week. It’s close. I’m at work. Tony is in Baltimore for training. He left early Tuesday morning and got back Thursday afternoon.  My mom came down to help keep Carsyn.

Carsyn took a personal day on Thursday and my grandparents came over for a visit. Carsyn’s Great-Grandparents!


P1030321 Here is the happy trio, Granny is behind the camera.



Time Out for an Uniform Malfunction.  How sweet for PapPaw to help put that silly bow back in!



PapPaw helping Carsyn with yet another Uniform Malfunction.


P1030326Carsyn and MamMaw exchanging recipes.

Thanks for coming to visit!! So sorry I missed it.  We love you!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

It’s Broke


Carsyn’s sippy cup comes apart. It’s bugs me. I’m sure there is a good hygienic reason for this. But when she throws it down from her high chair, it breaks.


P1030279 She thinks it’s funny when it breaks. It only encourages her to throw it down more.



P1030274  Problem happens when she gets down from her high chair. See, I’m a mean mom. Or maybe I just don’t like to play games. Either way, after she chunks that thing down on the floor, I don’t pick it up and give it back. So she often discovers it on the floor later. Then she tries to snap it back on.


P1030278 She spent about 5 minutes trying to get it back together before she decided it wasn’t worth it. This girl is persistent, but everyone has their limits.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Bag Lady is Back

P1030304 Carsyn loves emptying her diaper bag. It must feel like a mini treasure hunt.



P1030305 Can’t you just hear her laughing. Bwahahaha. Look at the mess you have to pick up momma.



P1030308Mr. P is in place and she’s ready to move on to something else.  

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I Don’t Recommend It.


Here is the before picture. I don’t have an after.


So Carsyn pushed this box up to the carpet, she couldn’t quite get it over the hump. She decided to climb on board. I had a nice little post about ride ‘em cowgirl going on in my head. So I snapped this shot. Something distracted me and I didn’t get a pic from the front. Truth is, my rider probably got off and played with her kitchen for a bit. At some point she got back on and that bull was too tough. He threw her. It was horrible. She did not get up and dust herself off. She laid there for less than 8 seconds before her daddy scooped her up.

Bless her heart. She couldn’t pull it together. 10 minutes later she was still sitting in Tony’s lab with random little sobs coming out.

The result was a little knot and a little bruise on her forehead and a little broken heart. Thankfully everything heals. There is little evidence left.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Where’s Carsyn?

 P1030260 Torn up golf magazine. Hmmm…did Carsyn leave it there or Tony?


P1030261 The shoe looks like an arrow to me.


P1030262 Well well well. There she is.

P1030263 Quite the collection. 2 of mommy’s shoes. 1 of daddy’s. a little toy cup. a spoon. momma’s phone.


P1030267 Hi mom.




Some body was ready for her close up.